Time Flies

So I am at my apartment packing things to give away to some charity or another as well and throwing away things I don't need. To catch you up to speed, I have officially been dating Alex since March 30th when we committed to each other. It's been absolutely amazing. Not that it hasn't been without it's faults just like any relationship. My lease is up in October and I'll be moving into a spare bedroom at Alex's house. I cant wait. We've adopted to kittens, they are named Edgar and Allen. There was a third kitting Poe but we couldn't take him, luckily during the adoption process and family came in looking for a kitten and since Poe was the last kitten I'm pretty sure he's in a good home now. My birthday was several days ago....53 years old. Thanks to Alex I had the best birthday I've ever had in my entire life. He made the entire five days I had off of work so freaking special. Food, drinks, music, presents, cake and on Sund...