
Showing posts from 2019

Time Flies

So I am at my apartment packing things to give away to some charity or another as well and throwing away things I don't need. To catch you up to speed, I have officially been dating Alex since March 30th when we committed to each other. It's been absolutely amazing.  Not that it hasn't been without it's faults just like any relationship.  My lease is up in October and I'll be moving into a spare bedroom at Alex's house. I cant wait.  We've adopted to kittens, they are named Edgar and Allen.  There was a third kitting Poe but we couldn't take him, luckily during the adoption process and family came in looking for a kitten and since Poe was the last kitten I'm pretty sure he's in a good home now. My birthday was several days ago....53 years old.  Thanks to Alex I had the best birthday I've ever had in my entire life.  He made the entire five days I had off of work so freaking special.  Food, drinks, music, presents, cake and on Sund...

Allergies and Taco Bell

We are just getting into Spring and already my allergies are out on control.  Sheesh. Watery and itchy eyes for the most part but the occasional sneezing and of course drippy nose.   Yay. Today I'm blogging to share the "awesome" incident involving Taco Bell. Don't get ahead of me and no a change of underwear was not required.  I've just recently got a second job working part time at Arby's.  In order to get my schedule I needed to have my drivers license and my social security card.  I tore my apartment apart but could not locate it.  So off the the social security office I go.  After a two hour wait the mission was complete and I head to Arby's and give them the required paperwork. At this point I decide I'm hungry and stop off at Taco Bell for burritos.  I then think I should pick up a few groceries and the Walmart Neighborhood store next to the Taco Bell. In the parking lot of the Walmart I take a bite of the burrito and in...

You're Presence

caught up in my own stupidity I smell the stench that stains my skin it pulls me down to the floor as the words it's all your fault echo in my brain I have nowhere left to go I have no one I can turn to my sins have seeped within my pores and there are no more tears within my soul (bridge) I cry out to you I cry out I reach out for you I reach out my heart yearns for you my heart yearns (chorus) So I place my life in your hands all that I am and have become I give to you completely simply put your presence drives all darkness away simply put your presence drives all darkness away In a world of black and white even gray becomes a blur your death upon a cross my sins that drove the nails my will be done It was my will that done me in you knew me before I was born As I lay on the floor of my heart I am undone I shiver without stop You're hand upon my head I feel nail print of love you kneel and embrace me


Two weeks ago I started watching videos on YouTube about people who say they had either died and went to hell or were taken to hell so they may testify to the truth of hell.   Honestly, it scared, scared is too weak of a word.  It shook me to my core.  To the point that I went through my house and threw out every book, comic book, music, and video that I thought even remotely had any connection with Satan.  I prayed constantly to be forgiven of my sins and for God not to send me to hell.  God showed me that I am not to be afraid, that I only need to show Him that I love Him by obeying Him....completely.  Yesterday I decided that enough is enough and I was going to make a stand. I needed to get close with my Savior.  Period.  Nothing  and no one was going to stand in my way. I put a notice on Facebook and told the gay Christians administration team (I am an admin there) that I was going on a sabbatical to strengthen ...

Blurred Visions

Hey gang!   Not entirely sure why I started this blog with that particular greeting but I'm going with it.    So here i sit at my desk, on my laptop, trying to create this blog while squinting at the screen as my vision slowly gets worse with each passing day.   I probably should schedule an appointment with the VA hospital for my vision but previous attempts have proven useless....mostly my fault though.   To show what I mean about my vision, when I am at work and I look off into the distance, I would say a measure of at least 100 feet (maybe?) everything and everyone looks like a 3D movie without the 3D glasses.    Sometimes the blurriness makes me nauseous. Bleh.    So I've been watching a lot of videos on people who say they were given a tour of hell and for the first couple of weeks it really super freaked me out.  I'm like seriously NOT wanting to go to hell and most certainly not for eternity.    I threw ev...

My spiritual journey thus far

So this blog is going to be about my spiritual journey with Yeshua thus far.   Since I am now 52 this is going to cover some it were. I am going to start in my early childhood and since there is many years to cover, this blog will be an abridged version.  I hope to flesh out my walk with Yeshua a lot more in future blogs as well. For now......onto the journey. So I remember in my early childhood my parents would like to sleep in on Sunday mornings so they allowed the Baptist Sunday School bus pick my sister and myself up for kids classes every Sunday. I don't remember any of the teachings but I do remember that they came to get kids for communion one day and I wanted to go but was told that if I wanted to participate in communion I would first have to be baptized. I wanted communion so I agreed and the next Sunday I was.  I had no idea what I was doing but I dutiful answered the questions asked to me by the pastor who was baptizing m...

Happy.......belated.......belated New Year 2019!

Hey guys .....everyone!   So here it is the middle of February and I'm just getting to the first blog of the year!  I know, I know.  I'm sorry.  Actually if you have followed this blog for any amount of time you will see that this is pret ty much the norm for me hahahahaha.  I'm a bit a airhead, it's true, I accept it.    I'd like to use this blog to just catch you up to where I have been for the past month and a half.   I have a new resolution of being completely transparent so with that in mind, hopefully you won't need to seek mental help after reading this blog hahahaha.     At any rate ,here goes.  So, New Years Eve rolls around and it falls on a Monday.  I go to work and I'm in by 6am.  I believe I got let go early so I leave work around noon, went to the store and got some snacks and a case of beer. I know. What on earth was I thinking lol.    At any rate, I party it up for New Years and su...