Happy.......belated.......belated New Year 2019!

Hey guys.....everyone!

  So here it is the middle of February and I'm just getting to the first blog of the year!  I know, I know.  I'm sorry.  Actually if you have followed this blog for any amount of time you will see that this is pretty much the norm for me hahahahaha.  I'm a bit a airhead, it's true, I accept it. 

  I'd like to use this blog to just catch you up to where I have been for the past month and a half.

  I have a new resolution of being completely transparent so with that in mind, hopefully you won't need to seek mental help after reading this blog hahahaha.  

  At any rate ,here goes.  So, New Years Eve rolls around and it falls on a Monday.  I go to work and I'm in by 6am.  I believe I got let go early so I leave work around noon, went to the store and got some snacks and a case of beer. I know. What on earth was I thinking lol. 

  At any rate, I party it up for New Years and survive a mild hangover the next day. Luckily I was off work.  On Wednesday we get a ton for snow (I live in NM) and while it used to snow quite a lot while I was a child, snow has not been forthcoming in many years.  Not like it used to at least.  

  So I called in because the roads were pretty bad.  I was off the next day but went to work on Friday and Saturday.  On Saturday I was feeling a little iffy and by Sunday night I was fully blown sick.

  I took some Mucinell PM and went to bed.  Got up in the morning and made to work by 6am.  I was fully blown sick and ended up going home even though I couldn't afford the attendance hit.  My health comes first.  

  I ended up calling in on Tuesday and going to the ER on Wednesday.  Not only did I have influenza but my diabetes made it so much worse.  I ended up calling in till the following Tuesday and went back to work on Wednesday.  Whew!

  In that time period my team at work was separated and put into other teams due to my boss being promoted and the host team pastor at my church left to work elsewhere.  Lots of changes lol.  

  I also thought that because of my attendance I was going to lose my job and I packed up my personal stuff from my desk and brought it home. 

  Luckily I didn't lose my job.

In the month of  February not to much drama except dealing with customers who are dealing with the holidays being over and tax season being upon us all.  So a higher level of grouchy combining that with entitlement has made the last two months on the phone more challenging than other times of the year. 

  At any rate my crunchy little pumpkin bites I think I shall wrap up this blog because it's pretty long and I have another blog I would like to do before I go to bed tonight.  TTYL.

In the mighty name of Yeshua
Kenneth (Kenny) Maese

Yeshua is Lord!!!


  1. I really do want to hear more of your story. I was the mystery man from your first blog. For some reason my email didn't show. This is Alex btw. Thanks for sharing your story. I'm glad you are better for one, and two that you didn't lose your job. Jobs can be replaced you cant.

    1. Hi Alex, thanks for the feedback. Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I must have missed the notice that you had responded. At any rate thank you for the kind words. Cheers mate!


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