
Showing posts from 2017

Broken Screens Broken Dreams

Here I sit at 6:40am at my job typing on a computer in our café.  It's a general use computer for my work.  I have not been on my laptop computer for a couple of months due to a cracked screen. Apparently the screen didn't take to kindly to my punching it out of frustration. Ironically no regrets.  Eventually I'll get it fixed but I'm in no hurry. It's amazing the journey God has brought me on. I have such a long way to go but I also know that God has brought me a long way as well.   So sleepy. Had an end-of-the-world dream last night complete with atom bombs and lava overflowing the city I was in. A couple of co-workers showed up in my dream. I went to a MCC church service in Albuquerque this past Sunday and loved it.  I was invited to bring my bass with me this coming Sunday.  Pretty stoked about that.  The service itself was quite lovely and I'm planning on becoming a member. I am so grateful to my...

Chocolate Ice Cream and Xanadu

So here I sit eating chocolate ice cream with a fork and watching the opening dance number from the movie Xanadu, "I'm Alive".  Love the dance movements in this video. As you know I haven't been blogging like I should or want.  I think about it all the time.  Depression is a heck of a thing to battle.  I just don't want to do anything.  Some may consider this laziness like I used to think it was. It's different though when I try to force myself to do things........even fun things and I start getting very anxious and a battle happens in my mind and I end up just staying home like I always do.. It's a chore to even go to the grocery or other errands I know I need to do.  I have to force myself. I'm revamping my life yet again. Can't help it. I'm constantly thinking of Yeshua and how I fail Him on a daily basis.  Sin, sin, sin. Sigh. I am also gearing up to being a vegan again. I will keep on until it finally sticks one day. This i...

The Evil Within

I know it's been quite awhile since I've written anything and I'm sorry. I think about my blog all the time.  The trouble is that I am plagued with thoughts of, "Who am I to write anything?  What do I have to offer anyone?". So much hate in the world, so much evil.  I include myself in that previous statement.  Oh, my heart longs to be pure, my heart longs to be good...........every time I allow hate or wrongful anger to take control I wonder if I could ever be anything but what I see when I look at myself in the mirror. When people laugh at my jokes, when people smile at me, when people say I'm a "good person", I can't help but respond in my head, "I've fooled you.". I'm not good. I'm not. I want to be. I wish I was. What is a good person? I don't know. I'm a middle age man (hard to believe) and I still have no idea of what life is or how I should live it.  I think I'm pretty intelligent but ...

The best of me

Because He is the best of me,  I am the best of Him.  In the midst of my anxiety, doubt and confusion He is the anchor in my storm I cry to the Lord and he heard my pain From the center of my heart He flooded  my being  as He wiped  away the tears and fear Another step down the road of life He surrounds me completely Like an breath bubble on the bottom of the ocean floor He is the best of me.


A SLIGHTLY BROADER VIEW For those of you who are a member of my group on FB I will post a video called " Morning Announcements - A Short Film About Homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church "  It's a wonderful video and I highly recommend it.  As to this blog,........I feel compelled by the Spirit of God to continue on my blogs concerning love.  the love of God for us and love we have for one another. I remember Pastor J sharing with us the Greeks had four translations for the word love. *   1) Εροσ (Eros) i. This love is erotic love ii. Eros is a love of passion, an overmastering passion that seizes and absorbs itself into the mind. iii. It is a love that is an emotional involvement based on body chemistry. iv. The basic idea of this love is self-satisfaction. 1. Though Eros is directed towards another, it actually has self in mind....

Love and the Lord

In all things in my life the thing I want most is to truly love and honor Yeshua with my life.  Not in just words but in every single aspect of my life.  My family, friends, job, music, everything.  Yeshua is my number one priority. Point blank.  Today's blog is sweet and short. In fact............this is it. LOL. Longer blogs to come later.   Love YOU! Always. Without restraint. 

The Art of Being Average

It seems to me that all my life I've been pretty average at almost every aspects of my life.  Everything from my looks, to my intelligence, to my talents and gifts.  As human beings we are all wildly different and at the same time we are the same.  The color of our hair, the tone of our skin, the way we perceive the word. As with most of us I've always viewed being average as a negative such as being part of the herd or pack. Vanilla as some people say. Ironically since my favorite ice cream flavor when I was a child was vanilla.  I suppose because it was white that no one thought of it as a legitimate flavor.   Last night however, I was lying in bed, late at night listening to music and thinking about things at the same time when it occurred to me that being average can be a positive rather than a negative.  I pictured the world with it's green meadows, majestic mountains, deep blue oceans, both starry nights and sunlit days.   Then I imagin...


Hey guys! Hope your day was at the very least decent.  Lots of crazy stuff going on in the world.  From gay men going to concentration camps to the war on Syria to everything in between.   Crazy! Please forgive this late post as yesterday was pretty nutty.  Allergies giving me a hard time as well.   I have been thinking about this blog and I've noticed that I have not been able to separate my ministry blog from my personal blog. In other words I have been treating this ministry blog as my personal blog by talking about me all the time. That ends today.   In the next couple of days I will talk bout love, life, situations, and whatever else you crazy kids wanna talk about. Leave comments in the comment section if you so desire. So at any rate, I will be thinking about what my first real blog will be about and hopefully will have it posted by Thursday maybe Friday. That's it for now kids. Walk in love Walk in Yeshua. ...


Here I sit on a Sunday night thinking about my ministry that God as given me.  It's still pretty quiet on my FaceBook page with one or two people having made contributions. Normally that would freak me out but I am trusting God and I have a vision of this ministry reaching thousands of people around the world. So I give this all to Yeshua and Yeshua alone.  This past week has been a learning lesson in life and financially I am learning to trust God once again.  I have to learn to be a good steward of the finances Yeshua blesses me with.   I need to pray more about who to invite into this ministry, who I should ask to help me run the group, when I should make it a public group, how I should get the word out and much, much more.  Tonight's blog is going to very short as I did state in the group FB group that I would officially be back at it Monday. I'm hoping to get suggestions from people who are currently in the group. I am open to all advice and sugge...


Just now I was sitting here at my desk, on my day off from work, and I thought I would blog.  As I sat here contemplating what to write about I thought about a picture I have of my Grandmother Helen.  It's on her wedding day to my Grandpa Danny and she is smiling and looking upwards.  Her smile is radiant and dazzling all at the same time.   My grandma has always been a source of joy for me and everyone who knew her.   From her tender hugs to her homemade spaghetti, she was so loving and beautiful.  I miss her. She wasn't perfect and as we all do, she got mad, and upset and made mistakes. Still....she was there for me when others were not. I will never forget that.  I love you grandma.

Waking in Love

Walking in love.  What does that mean? I've been around long enough to hear many versions of what love is. I've seen love written in songs and poems and books.  I've seen love portrayed in movies, television, plays, and life.  I've read theories and advice columns, seen love blossom and love fade away. I have known various forms of love throughout my life with people from family to friends to people I've met in passing.  I suppose writing about love at 9 pm is not my best idea. No coffee or alcohol to stimulate my creative juices. I think the reason that I am doing this post is because I am a bit nervous about my page of the same title "Yeshua's Love" on FaceBook.  As of this moment I have fifteen members! Pretty cool I'd say.  Aside from myself though there is little activity from anyone else.  To be fair though the page and blog are brand new.  I'm just worried that no one will feel inclined to participate and I will be left to do all the ...

Yeshua's Love

W E L C O M E Thank you for taking time to read my very first blog that is actually kick starting a new ministry by yours truly!  So, at this point I am desperately tying to allow the Holy Spirit to guide me in this new direction I am taking. I first and foremost want to honor Yeshua 100% completely.  It is only for His honor and glory that I do this.  It will be a daily challenge of seeking Him in all things. If for any reason I lose focus on Yeshua than it's better not to do this at all.  Keep in mind, that I NEED to do this.  There are so many reasons why and as time goes on I will share with you as I can and/or directed by the Holy Spirit.  Some of you may not understand that as this time but bare with me and we will walk this journey together.   So welcome! Welcome ALL!  Gender, race, sexual orientation, faith, and everything you can think of will NOT exclude you from being a part of this family. ...