God is good

 First of all I want to apologize for the extremely large font, but my eyes are getting worse.  I am just trying to stay honest.  Thank you for your understanding. 

I honestly believe "God is good" is the greatest understatement ever uttered on this tiny little planet we call earth,  

I don't think we will ever know how true that is until we get to heaven. 

So much has happened as far as my faith goes in the last five months.  God has been pulling at my heart and the sins that I was caught up in, that I detested with all my being have been purged from my life completely.  That doesn't mean that I am to let my guard down.  It means that God as forgiven me and cleansed me with His precious blood.  I want to show Yeshua that I love Him with all my heart, sould, mind and strength.  I am not going to let anyone or anything (especially me) get in the way of my relationship with Yeshua ever again,  The price He paid on the cross for my and your salvation was more then we will ever comprehend and the Holy Spirit testifies this truth to you.  When we stand before God there will be no excuses, no second chances, no do overs.

Now is the time for salvation, now is the time to surrendor every part of our life over to God who loves us deeper than any ocean, His love reaches higher than any mountain, there is nothing that we have done that would keep us from becoming His children forgiven, cleansed, redeemed, sanctified, held close to His chest He is the parent who loves unconditionally and eternally.  

As our Saviour He forgives and creates us anew, His blood cleanses ALL our sins and allows us to forgive those who have hurt us when we on our own would never be able to forgive others.  

As our Lord is with us every moment of our lives, every day.  He is with us in the good times and bad times and everything in between.  Because of free will many including ourselves make hurtful, horrible decisions daily that cause great pain to us and others.  Jesus holds us in those times and those who have hurt us will pay for what they do if they do not repent of their evil.

Likewise, if we do not repent of our evil that we have done to others, ourselves and most importantly a God who is Holy, Pure and Righteous.  We will spend eternity, yes, eternity away from the presence of God, in Hell where we will know that we fully deserve to be,  We also must forgive all those who hurt us and ask for forgiveness each and every single time.  

Yeshua is reaching out to all of us if we will just call on His name, repent of ALL our sins, turn all that we are over to Jesus, He will forgive us, cleanse and make us brand new.

Isn't that so freaking exciting???

Don't wait, do it today, tomorrow is not promised to anyone and there are now currently thousands of lost souls in hell who would give anything to be back on earth with a second chance.

YOU have that chance right now, please take it while you can.

I love you but more imYeshua (Jesus) loves you WAY more than you will every know.  He's calling to you, listen to His call and He will save you from everything you fear, dread, and hate.  

Kenneth Paul Maese

humble servant of Yeshua Hamashiach


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