
Showing posts from January, 2020

New Year 2020

It's the new year 2020! Wow! I can't believe I've made it this far.  Amazing. God is good.  Always. So let me catch you up to speed as it were. I am now married since November 23rd, 2019 to Alex and I have never been happier in my life.  Are we the perfect couple. Nope. We have days where we click perfectly and then other days when we clash.  We both have made it clear to each other that we are in it for life.  Everyone in my life says they have noticed how much I have grown as a person and my heart says that it has mostly everything to do with Alex.  He is the most amazing, sweetest person who genuinely loves me and I know in my heart of hearts that he will never do anything to intentionally hurt me and I know that he knows the same things applies from me to him. In just over a week we will be headed for a couple of days to Laughlin, NV for our honeymoon and I can't wait.  I'm so freaking happy. I also just completed an internship at work fo...