Ramble On
Friday night but I'm still up. Only because I don't have to be to work tomorrow. Every four weeks I work Monday through Friday and then I'm off Saturday and Sunday. Pretty sweet. The down side is noticing how noisy the neighbors are. I mean how loud do you have to talk that I can hear you when I live in the apartment above you? Rhetorical question. Anyhow, so here I sit with my belly full of water which means around 2-3 trips to the bathroom throughout the night. Sigh. My fault for drinking all the water though. So as far as my work goes, I'm kinda burnt out at working at a call center but then again I'm not sure what I want to do with my life...or more to the point I'm not sure what God wants me to do with my life. I seriously need to figure it out. Seriously. I know I want to minister to the GLBTQI community, to share the true love of Yeshua. To be the light of God in this dark, cold world. To be a vessel ...